The Nordplus project involved two rescue non-governmental organisations from Estonia and Iceland to educate teachers and heads of rescue units in different rescue areas of expertise. Rescue units worldwide have noticed a significant rise in landscape fires due to climate change. Addition to that, war-related rescue activities have also significantly increased, which means rescuers from all-around the world need experience and knowledge how to deal with the changes in the rescue field. In the results of the project, we now have altogether 16 teachers more from both countries who are educated in different areas of rescue. For Iceland it’s a grown issue with landscape fires which they are not used to that much, so in Estonia they learned about the specifics of landscape fires, how to prevent them, how to deal with them and what equipment and machinery you need to work with landscape fires. Additionally, how to use community engagement to it. Estonians who visited Iceland got the knowledge of rope-rescue, went deeply into case studies on flooding and maritime rescue and learned more about INSARAG methodologies and technical rescue, which are one of the main things the Estonian Rescue Association is planning to implement in Estonia.
On organisational level, the project gave two rescue associations a way to communicate and exchange experiences. The two organisations who were part of the project, are now familiar with each other and if there’s a need we have a educated and experience helping hand just around the corner.
On a more personal level, the project first gave new knowledge to all the attendees on the field of rescue. It also gave a significant boost of motivation to the volunteers who daily from their free time and good will keep their communities safe. It’s an educative way to thank the people for their good work, meanwhile giving them the knowledge to disseminate across their community and their home country.
Video #1: Rope rescue: safe descentStarting date of the project: February 2022
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