Estonian rescue association supportS the STATE EMERGENCY SERVICES OF UKRAINE 


We have supported Ukraine from the start of the full scale invasion

Since the beginning of the war, the Estonian Rescue Association has been supporting Ukrainian rescuers by delivering aid with the help of volunteers. Already in the early days of the war, donors helped to organise equipment and technical supplies that were immediately sent to our Ukrainian colleagues.

The generosity of the Estonian people is remarkable - together, since the beginning of the war, almost €7 million worth of aid has been delivered to the State Emergency Services of Ukraine: rescue equipment and machinery, container trucks, soup kitchens, a mobile headquarters, cars, vans, ATVs, drones, excavators etc. 

or by making a transfer to PÄÄSTELIIT / EE547700771002741382 with the keyword "Ukraine".


Support for humanitarian deminers in Ukraine has become increasingly important. Ukraine's emergency services are facing a severe shortage of demining equipment, with more than 250,000 km2 of mined areas, an area the size of five Estonian territories. According to the international think-tank GLOBSEC, Ukraine has the largest area of mined land in the world, passing Afghanistan and Syria. At the current rate of demining, it could take more than 700 years to make Ukraine safe.

In addition to demining, there is a shortage of emergency response equipment, first aid supplies and much more.

Estonian Rescue Association, with the help of private individuals and companies, has sent almost €2 million worth of assistance to Ukraine's demining sector, including the MV-4 demining robot, first aid supplies, metal detectors, vehicles for transporting humanitarian deminers.

How does your donation reach the Ukrainian rescuers? 

After you make your donation, the funds will be transferred directly to the account of the Estonian Rescue Association, where we will collect all the funds to support Ukraine. We are in direct contact with the State Emergency Services of Ukraine (Ukrainian Rescue Service), who will provide us with a list of the equipment they most need.

After collecting the funds, we will ask our partners from Estonia and Europe what their possibilities are to fill the list of the Ukrainian Rescue Service. Once the equipment and/or machinery has been procured, it will be delivered, with the help of volunteer rescuers, directly to the State Emergency Services of Ukraine in Lviv or Kyiv, or directly to the city in crisis.

What is the result of your donation?

With your contribution, we can support Ukrainian rescuers who put their lives on the line to save others - from dealing with the aftermath of rocket attacks, to rubble rescue, putting out fires, providing psychological support to the population and more.

Humanitarian deminers work to clean up areas contaminated by war, giving farmers the chance to return to their fields and civilians the chance to return to their homes and forests.

Where does the information reach about donated equipment?

Estonian Rescue Association supports and cooperates directly with the State Emergency Services of Ukraine, which is responsible for the rescue sector in Ukraine.

The statistics on the amount of equipment and equipment donated by the Estonian Rescue Association are forwarded to the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on an ongoing basis.

All information on donated equipment can be found on our Facebook page and on our website.

The pictogram shows all the equipment and technical equipment brought to Ukraine by us. 

Can I support in other ways? 

If you would like to contribute in any other way to support Ukrainian rescuers, please let us know: piia@paasteliit.ee.

If you are active in communications or marketing and would like to contribute to creating campaigns or raising awareness of our work in the community, please let us know by writing to hendrik@paasteliit.ee.

About us in media

Ott Sepa kiharad läksid kõige kallimalt! Haapsalu õudus- ja fantaasiafilmide festivali oksjonil koguti Ukraina toetuseks üle 5000 euro

Ukraina päästeteenistuse juht: mineeritud alade puhastamiseks kulub üle 700 aasta

Päästeliit ostis kolme helde ettevõtja toel ukrainlastele vägeva abimehe

Ukraina vabatahtlikud päästjad alustavad koostööd Päästeliiduga

Aastatagusega võrreldes on Eesti inimeste hoog Ukraina abistamisel raugenud

HÕFF kogus Ukraina toetuseks ligi 4000 eurot

Päästeliit saadab Ukrainasse uhiuue väliköögi

Päästeliit plaanib saata Ukrainasse kaks laadur-ekskavaatorit

Päästeliidu delegatsioon käis Ukrainas kolleegidega kohtumas: abi on jõudnud õigesse kohta!

UKRAINA RAHVA TOETUSEKS Ukraina varingupäästjatele läheb appi mobiilne raskekraana Taavet

Ukraina U22 koondise peatreener aitab kodulinnas päästjaid: Harkivis napib kõike alates kiivritest, lõpetades Panthenoliga

Päästeliit on Ukraina tuletõrjujatele annetanud ligi 4000 tööriista

Rescue on land

A ground rescue unit is usually a volunteer fire company with at least one main vehicle, a crew operating it, and associated equipment.

Maritime rescue

The heart of the maritime rescue unit is the rescue boat, the crew using it, and the relevant communication and special equipment.

Special rescue

Several associations related to specific rescue operations have emerged in Estonia over the past few decades. For example, there are associations whose efforts have been spent on raising and training water rescue dogs.

+372 527 4112
Sirge 2, 10618 Tallinn, Eesti


Register number 80302703
IBAN EE547700771002741382

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