24/7 voluntarily

Safe community, safe country

Estonian Rescue Association unites and represents organisations operating in the field of voluntary rescue in Estonia.

ICE-SAR visited Estonia

29.August 2024

In the framework of the Nordplus project, ICE-SAR volunteers were in Estonia at the end of August to learn how to extinguish landscape and forest fires under the guidance of Päästeliit.


Volunteers defended Rohuküla harbour

19.August 2024

On Monday evening, members of the Estonian Rescue Association's technical rescue unit gathered in Rohuküla harbour for a flood prevention exercise.


Päästeliit in Poltava: Rescuers need more aid

12.August 2024

This time, the UA aid shipment arrived in Poltava, which is being constantly hit by rocket attacks. During the visit, we were given an insight into the work of rescuers working in Ukrainian cities close to the frontline.


Päästeliit attended the Estonian Victory Day parade

25.June 2024

Estonian Rescue Association made history at the weekend - for the first time ever, volunteer rescuers took part in the Victory Day parade.





call responses




prevention work

Help us save lives!

Support our cause so that we can respond to accidents quickly and professionally, preventing situations from happening and acquiring new equipment.

Rescue on land

A ground rescue unit is usually a volunteer fire company with at least one main vehicle, a crew operating it, and associated equipment.

Maritime rescue

The heart of the maritime rescue unit is the rescue boat, the crew using it, and the relevant communication and special equipment.

Special rescue

Several associations related to specific rescue operations have emerged in Estonia over the past few decades. For example, there are associations whose efforts have been spent on raising and training water rescue dogs.

Friends and supporters

+372 527 4112
Sirge 2, 10618 Tallinn, Eesti


Register number 80302703
IBAN EE547700771002741382

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Minu Andmed

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