
Welcome to new chimney sweepers!

26.September 2024 The Chimney Sweep Committee met today at the Harjumaa House of Municipalities to approve the awarding of new chimney sweep vocational levels.
Yesterday, twelve people took part in the professional examination, assessed by a panel of chimney sweepers. At today's meeting, the Chimney Sweeper Evaluation Committee's proposal was approved, with all twelve applicants being awarded the Level 3, i.e. entry-level chimney sweeper qualification.

Good luck and good luck to the new chimney sweepers!

Following the merger of the Estonian Firefighters' Association and the Estonian Rescue Association, the former now organises chimney sweep qualifications in Estonia. A chimney sweeper who has reached the basic level, i.e. level 3, has completed at least 260 hours of professional training - of which 80 hours are theory and 180 hours are practical training under the supervision of a person holding a higher level chimney sweep qualification.

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