
We trained our first response team leaders

28.September 2024 Estonian Rescue Association organised a training course for the Technical Rescue Units first response team leaders today at the Tammer premises.
Estonian Rescue Association organised a training course for the Technical Rescue Units first response team leaders today at the Tammer premises, which focused on working in large demolished areas.

The theoretical part introduced the different types of crisis situations - what or who can cause them, and how to assess their type and scale. In the practical part, a situation assessment was carried out in a game scenario, where teams were sent to map the surrounding area - finding local threats and opportunities in a crisis and the building stock of the area.

According to Olari Malk, a volunteer from the technical rescue unit who came to the training from Saaremaa, the day was instructive: "The most interesting thing was how we as first responders are going to view the event, or what we actually need to do before the "cavalary" arrives," said Malk.

"I noticed that we definitely need to work more within the team to find a common language for rescue events and agree on the sign language that would help us communicate more effectively during events," added Malk.

"The practical side was interesting because I got to look at the buildings from a different perspective and I noticed details that you wouldn't normally notice or take notice of - locations of hydrants, gas tanks, locations of water bodies and much more," said our volunteer Malk.

Thanks to Tammer, a supporter of the Estonian Rescue Association, for providing the comfortable training facilities.

The Technical Rescue Unit is a unique and first-of-its-kind team in Estonia, with competences in dealing with floods, storms and snowstorms, waterfalls and other crises and disasters. Today, the unit has more than a hundred trained members from different parts of Estonia, ready to support the state, local authorities and the private sector in various crises and emergencies, filling a grey area in today's Estonian civil protection organisation.

More photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBKhmH
Photo author: Estonian Rescue Association / Hendrik Tali

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