
Päästeliit signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Ukrainian voluntery organisation

07.September 2023 Today, members of the Estonian Rescue Association and the Ukrainian Volunteer Rescue Association signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in Kaberneeme Volunteer Rescue Station, aimed at developing cooperation between Estonian and Ukrainian volunteer rescuers.
This week, professional and volunteer rescuers from Ukraine are in Estonia to learn how volunteer rescue works under the guidance of the Estonian Rescue Association. The aim of the visit is to develop a similar umbrella organisation in Ukraine as the Estonian Association of Volunteer Rescuers. "Our cooperation with the Ukrainian rescuers, which has so far been supportive and helpful, has led us to further cooperation where we can be of assistance and advice in the establishment of a Ukrainian volunteer rescue service," said Piia Kallas, head of the Estonian Rescue Association.

"We hope that with this 104 years of experience, we will be able to pass on to the Ukrainians useful advice, support, assistance and sharing of our experience, so that Ukraine can establish a volunteer organisation equivalent to that of the Estonain Rescue Association in Estonia today," Kallas added.

According to the head of the Ukrainian Volunteer Rescue Service, Igor Kazek, the Estonian Rescue Association has already given them a great direction on how they can set up a similar organisation in their home country: "We will definitely take the experience we have learned here and bring it back home to unite the volunteer rescue teams scattered all over our country." 

Kazek also wishes all Estonians a happy Volunteer Rescue Day: "Health and success to all volunteers and professional rescuers on this important day. I sincerely hope that Estonia will never be hit by the kind of military action that has befallen us as a result of Russia's aggression in Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!"

The Ukrainian volunteer rescue organisation gifted a priceless object made by a Ukrainian front-line artist to the Estonian Rescue Association. The gift features a piece from a rocket with a self-portrait of the front-line artist surrounded by fragments on the rocket. The artwork has been given to very few people, in Estonia it has only been gifted to the Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas.

Under the guidance of the Estonian Rescue Association, Ukrainian volunteer rescuers will spend a whole week learning how our volunteer rescue services work in West, North and Central Estonia.

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