
Päästeliit attended the Estonian Victory Day parade

25.June 2024 Estonian Rescue Association made history at the weekend - for the first time ever, volunteer rescuers took part in the Victory Day parade.
Last weekend was one of the most important ones for the volunteer rescuers - we represented the volunteer land and maritime rescuers from all over Estonia, as well as search and rescue dogs and water rescue dogs in the Victory Day parade.

This year, the Victory Day parade was held in Narva, so the convoy consisted of volunteer land and maritime rescuers from the Eastern Region. In order to bring some excitement to the parade and to show our network to a wider audience, Päästeliit's box also included search dogs from the Reserve Rescue Group and water rescue dogs from the South Estonian Water Rescue Dogs Group "Wet Paws". The latter provided a lot of fun for the parade participants and spectators alike!

Land rescue was represented by: Võsu Vabatahtlik Tuletõrjeühing, Purtse Vabatahtlik Pääste, Iisaku Priitahtlik Pääste, Aasukalda Maa ja Merepäästekomando, Kadrina Vabatahtlik Pääste ja Kadrina Tuletõrje Seltsi naissalk.

Maritime rescue was represented by: Purtse Vabatahtlik Merepääste ja Aasukalda Maa ja Merepäästekomando.

In addition, the parade included search dogs from the Vabatahtlik Reservpäästerühm and water rescue dogs from the Elva Vabatahtlik Tuletõrjeühing.

It was a great honour to stand on the parade ground, decked out in blue, black and white, and to hear words of welcome from both the President Alar Karis and the head of the Defence League, Major General Ilmar Tamm. It was an honour to pass all the spectators with a smile and a straight back - we are proud to be the creators of a sense of security in a free Estonia.
Long live freedom! Long live Estonia!

All photos can be found in Päästeliit's Flickr album. 

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