
ICE-SAR visited Estonia

29.August 2024 In the framework of the Nordplus project, ICE-SAR volunteers were in Estonia at the end of August to learn how to extinguish landscape and forest fires under the guidance of Päästeliit.
Estonians and Icelanders have worked together for decades, being among the first to recognise each other's independence. Today, for the third time, the Estonian Rescue Association has been able to develop cooperation with the Icelandic Voluntary Rescue Association Slysavarnafélagið Landsbjörg.

Under the Nordplus project, Icelandic volunteer rescuers had the opportunity to visit Estonian volunteers, from whom they learned how to tackle a new emerging problem due to climate change - forest and landscape fires, with an in-depth focus on moss fires.

The Icelandic volunteers spent a week in Palivere, under the supervision of Risto Roomet, head of the technical rescue unit, gaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in dealing with forest and landscape fires - including a visit to a bog to learn about the moss and bog conditions that rescuers face. The training programme also gave the Icelanders experience of car rescue in the event of an accident. At the end of the practical part in Palivere, the volunteers, in cooperation with the professionals from Risti and Nõva, also had the chance to try their hand at solving a "real event" during a created scenario.

After the practical training, the Icelanders got acquainted with the old and the new house of the Haapsalu professionals and visited the semi-professional, semi-voluntary rescue unit in Nõva, where the Noarootsi volunteers were also present with their new machine.

In Tallinn, the Icelandic guests were able to try out one of Europe's best virtual realities at the Academy of Security Sciences, where they had to try out event management at a strategic level, guided by experienced rescue expert Gert Teder.

On the last day of the visit, Rein Olesk, the Emergency Response and Continuity expert from the Emergency Response Centre, presented the structure and tasks of the Emergency Response Centre to the Icelandic volunteers and offered the opportunity to see the call centre premises. During our visit, a real event took place, where a caller reported that smoke could be seen and banging could be heard at North Estonian Regional Hospital.

As part of the Nordplus project, Estonian volunteer members of the technical rescue unit will also fly to Iceland in September, where Icelandic volunteers will develop the special rescue skills and knowledge of our rescuers and learn from local experience, which is increasingly needed in Estonia as a result of climate change.

All photos can be found here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBEUin

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